On 24 October 2019, the United Nations Postal Administration in Geneva issued 2 postage stamps dedicated to Cuba as part of the World Heritage Series.
The joint production of all branches in Geneva, Vienna and New York consists of 6 postage stamps, miniature sheets and booklets. All of them are dedicated to the sights and cultural heritage of Cuba. For several years, the UN, with the participation of UNESCO, has been issuing a series of World Heritage stamps, and every year a new country is honored to be represented on the stamps of the United Nations.
This year, philatelists get acquainted with the sights of the Liberty Island. The stamps include the most famous historical buildings and natural objects: the Morro Castle in Havana and the Viñales Valley in Pinar del Rio, the city of Trinidad with the De los Ingenios Valley and the historic center of Cienfuegos, as well as the center of Camaguey and the San Pedro Fortress de la Roca.
The stamps issued by the Geneva office depict Trinidad and the De los Ingenios Valley and the historic city center of Cienfuegos.
The city of Cienfuegos was founded in 1819 by French colonists, it is located in the southern part of the island on the shores of the Caribbean, and the Cubans themselves call it "the pearl of the south". In the initial construction of the city, the Spaniards practically did not take part, so there is no Spanish influence here, which left an imprint on most Cuban cities. Many of the city's early inhabitants were French from Bordeaux or French colonies such as Louisiana. Cienfuegos is a beautiful seaside town built in the French colonial style, with clear street layouts, sophistication and splendid late neoclassical architecture.
The central square is the heart of every Latin American city, and Cienfuegos is no exception. Plaza de Armas (Plaza of Arms) - The historic center of the city, as usual, is surrounded by key government and religious buildings. Along the perimeter of the square are the City Hall, the Cathedral of the Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepcion, the Tomás Terry Theater and the building of the College of San Lorenzo. At the beginning of the 20th century, the square and park were renamed in honor of Jose Martin, the father of Cuban independence.
Cienfuegos is located in the heart of a fertile agricultural region producing sugarcane, tobacco and coffee. The city developed rapidly and soon became the main center of trade in these goods in the region. Now it is a large seaport and significant changes have taken place in the architecture of the city, making it more eclectic. But the historic city center has retained its unique authenticity and sophisticated appeal. In 2005, the historic city center of Cienfuegos was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The 1.50 fr stamp depicts one of the historic buildings located on the Plaza de Armas - the Palacio de Gobierno - the city hall. A small horse-drawn carriage can be seen in front of the building. A ride in a horse-drawn carriage is a pleasant entertainment for tourists who want to plunge into the vulgar and feel the atmosphere of the colonial era.
United Nations stamps are in circulation around the world and can be used to send postcards, letters and all types of parcels. Shipments must be made from mailboxes at UN Headquarters in New York, Geneva and Vienna, where stamps are available from postage stamp stores.
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