"Gypsies", consisting of 4 postage stamps issued on the 30 of September 2017. There are images of horses - the faithful companions of this nomadic people on three stamps of the series.
On the 30 of September 2017 the French Post issued a booklet of 12 stamps titled "Circus Art". The circus is inconceivable without horses and an arena - this was once again visually demonstrated by a new series of French stamps.
In honor of the World Chess Championship among boys and girls held from September 17 to 26 in Montevideo, Uruguay's post issued an original postage stamp featuring chess pieces and a toy rocking horse that had been poked into it on the 25 of September 2017.
A series of 4 miniature sheets with pictograms of 21 sports, included in the program of the Asian Games was issued by Turkmenpost in honor of the 5th Asian Games in Ashgabat on September 17, 2017.
On the 15 of September 2017, the Turkish Post issued a wonderful miniature sheet dedicated to nature reserves and nature parks. There are wild horses from the National Park Spil Dağı on the stamp from miniature sheet.
On the 15 of September 2017 the post of Moldova issued a series of 4 stamps "Animals in Painting". Paintings from the National Museum of Fine Arts are reproduced on stamps.
On September 14, 2017, the Irish Post issued a series of stamps dedicated to the National Plowing Championship. The series consists of 2 stamps and a miniature sheet.
On September 5, 2017, the post Mostar issued a postage stamp for the 100th anniversary of the rescue of the starving children of Herzegovina.
On the September 1, 2017 the post of Serbia issued a postage stamp dedicated to the famous Ljubichevsky horse games.
August 24, 2017, the Post of Austria pleased us with another souvenir sheet of the series "The History of Postal transport". This time the souvenir sheet depicts a postal cart in the countryside.