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Horses on stamps
thematic catalog for collectors
since 2017
Postage stamps of Hungary
Hungary / Magyar / Magyarország
Postage stamps of Hungary
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450th anniversary of the siege of Szigetvár (I).  Joint Issue with Croatia. Postage stamps of Hungary
150th Anniversary of the First Horse-Drawn Tramway . Postage stamps of Hungary
House of Parliament IV. Postage stamps of Hungary
House of Parliament IV
miniature sheet (8 stamps)
Michel: Bl 383 (5790-5797)
detailed description
Europa 2015. Old Toys. Postage stamps of Hungary
Europa 2015. Old Toys
miniature sheet (4 stamps)
Michel: Bl 379
detailed description
Year of the Horse . Postage stamps of Hungary
Year of the Horse
miniature sheet (4 stamps)
Michel: Bl 365 (5666-5669)
detailed description
Horse-Stamps 2003-2025 (c)